Our regular recap of goings on at the College and a look ahead to events on the horizon. As always, we hope to call your attention to items that captured ours and alert you to events that you won’t want to miss. If you have a news item that you think we’d be interested in, drop us a line at middmag@middlebury.edu.

  • How do you explain carbon neutrality to a new crop of first-year students? Cue the carbon-shredding sharks, of course. Check out the Sustainability Office’s creative take on the college’s carbon neutrality goal in this new video at middmag.com
  • In the aftermath of the Libyan embassy attacks, Middlebury Diplomat in Residence Jeffrey Lunstead described in a CNN opinion piece the eerie similarities between the tragedy in Libya and a 1979 attack on the U.S. consulate in Lahore, Pakistan, which he survived.
  • The presses are rolling again for The Middlebury Campus, which published its inaugural edition for the academic year this week.
  • It’s a big weekend for home sports. Football opens at home on Saturday against Bowdoin, and several other teams, including cross country, field hockey, men’s soccer play at home this weekend. Visit Athletics for the full schedule.