Dear all,
We invite anyone interested in the field of disability studies to join our reading group. Disability studies is the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary examination of, among other things, the historical, social, cultural, political, and medical constructions of disability as a concept and lived experience. It has deep roots in the social sciences, sciences, and humanities.
The group typically meets once a month on a Thursday evening from 7:30-9 p.m.
Our first meeting this fall will be on Thursday, September 20, from 7:30-9 p.m. at Peggy Nelson’s house (52 High Street, Middlebury). The initial meeting is to plot out our interests and schedule for the coming year and you should feel free to send ideas if you cannot attend.
Feel free to write Peggy ( <> ) or to call her (388 6659) for directions.
Susan Burch (for the Disabilities Studies Reading Group)