Convention Bumps, Race-Baiting and those “Old, Lefty Professors” (Who, Moi?)

It’s been a busy day so far – and the night promises be even busier.  In addition to my post on Artur Davis, one of tonight’s convention speakers, I’ve got another piece just up at the Economist in which I … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Convention Bumps, Race-Baiting and those “Old, Lefty Professors” (Who, Moi?)

Labor Day 2012

Labor Day was established by an act of Congress in 1894.  This and other interesting facts about Labor Day, employment and occupations may be found at a Bureau of the Census website at……Continue Reading Labor Day 2012

New Library collections in Environmental Studies

Environment & Energy Publishing (E&E) Environment & Energy Publishing (E&E) is a “leading source for comprehensive, daily coverage of environmental and energy policy and markets.” Included publications are EnergyWire, ClimateWire, Environment and Energy Daily (E&E Daily), Greenwire, E&E News, ETV, and E&E Reports. Environmental Justice A journal exploring the … Continue reading Continue Reading New Library collections in Environmental Studies