Quiet returns to libraries- ” … The way librarians, students, and researchers behave undermines what Ms. [Karen] Schneider calls “the stereotype of the shushing librarian and absolute pin-drop silence.” She and other librarians point out that students are often the … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Friday Links – July 27, 2012
Day: July 27, 2012
Changing the Abramowitz Presidential Forecast Model: Is It Science?
Beginning today I’ll be posting on a weekly basis (or more frequently) over at the Economist‘s Democracy In America blog site. My first post, addressing Alan Abramowitz’s recent changes to his presidential forecast model, is up there now (h……Continue Reading Changing the Abramowitz Presidential Forecast Model: Is It Science?
Invitation: FIS Host Program Informational Meetings
You’re invited to learn more about the Friends of International Students (FIS) Host Program at one of our upcoming information meetings. Dear Faculty and Staff– (Please post for people without internet/e-mail access.) International Student & Scholar Services invites you to learn more … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Invitation: FIS Host Program Informational Meetings
Murales de Diego Rivera en San Francisco
El 26 de julio, las clases de niveles 3 y 4 visitaron dos de los murales del pintor mexicano Diego Rivera que se encuentran en San Francisco: La unidad panamericana (1941) City College de San Francisco La creación de un … Continúe leyendo →…Continue Reading Murales de Diego Rivera en San Francisco