Some have asked, “Is it really cost effective for me to be reading documents on an iPad with a back-lit screen instead of printing them out?”. Based on this article, it is worth literally every penny. For $1.36 for a … Continue reading →…Continue Reading In case you ever wondered what it costs to charge your iPad…
Day: June 22, 2012
Dickinson and Silver, Take Two
Whether he did so out of frustration or some other emotion, I want to thank Nate Silver for taking time from his busy schedule to respond (twice!) to my critique of poll-based forecasting models similar to his. This type of … Continue reading &……Continue Reading Dickinson and Silver, Take Two
Friday links – June 22, 2012
Free topo maps from USGS – US Topo is the new generation of digital topographic maps from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Arranged in the traditional 7.5-minute quadrangle format, digital US Topo maps look and feel like the traditional paper … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Friday links – June 22, 2012
Sharing Employee Accomplishments
We’ve noticed that several departments are doing a great job of using the MiddPoints blog to recognize their employees’ accomplishments. To highlight these postings we have created a new section of the Human Resources website titled “Employee Accomplishments.” Currently we’ve … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Sharing Employee Accomplishments
TIAA-CREF One-on-One Counseling Sessions with Erik Moreau
If you are interested in scheduling an on-campus, one-on-one visit with Erik Moreau, consultant with TIAA-CREF, to discuss your retirement plan investments, he has confirmed dates he will be on campus for the second half of 2012. Please review the schedule … Continue reading →…Continue Reading TIAA-CREF One-on-One Counseling Sessions with Erik Moreau