We discussed next steps regarding the recent Manager Training workshops, and proposed some topics to suggest to Sheila Andrus for quarterly or other refresher workshops, including:
- prioritization: using the urgent/important Covey grid to learn how to map out priorities and manage workload
- how to develop and assess SMART goals
- giving feedback
- manager to staff
- staff to manager
- peer to peer
- third party
- effective meetings
We talked about implementing the DiSC evaluation given at the management training for all LIS staff.
- Dan Frostman (leader), Joe Durante, Joe Antonioli, Sheila Andrus, and Joseph Watson will develop a proposal
- We need a charge
- We need a timeline
We also suggested that information from the training be disseminated to staff, and that managers should take an hour with their work groups to review the topics covered. If they so choose, they can use Dan’s presentation, and then discuss how that went at the next managers meeting (slides at http://prezi.com/adylam68cjey/dans-take-on-management-training/).
Key concepts from management training:
- ladder of inference
- circle of concern and circle of influence
- Covey prioritization grid (important/urgent, etc.)
- aligned organization
- DiSC profiles
- 4 key activities of a manager: communicate, provide feedback, coach, delegate
- performance management cycle
- feedback
- delegation
- situational leadership
- SMART Goals
- “waterfall” communications
- running effective Meetings
- teams
Thanks for reading
Terry & Doreen