Now that you’ve locked down your summer internship (Congrats ) there are few steps to consider when moving forward. Is your internship paid? Do you need housing? Does your employer require that you receive academic credit? Here are a few tid bits of information to answer all these questions (and more!) and to help you finalize your summer plans.
1. Housing: If you’re looking for summer housing, whether that be in DC, New York, Boston or elsewhere, there are plenty of resources to assist in the process. Colleges and Universities in major cities offer dorm leasing in the summer, and websites like Craigslist Housing, and, allow you to search for housing world. To see a full list of resources, see here.
2. Applying for Funding: The Center for Education in Action awards funds to support unpaid summer internship in all fields! The final deadline to apply for funding is May 14–head over to go/summerfunding to submit an application today!
3. Academic Credit: If your employer requires that you receive academic credit for your summer internship, EIA suggests that you come into Career Services to speak with an advisor. Most likely, you will need to submit a transcript notation form found here. This notation does not fulfill any graduation requirements and may not be accepted by some companies/organizations, so it’s best if you speak to an advisor before moving forward.
4. Make the most of your summer! Summer internships are an excellent way to explore career or academic interests and connect with experts in that field. Build relationships, network, and get to know the people behind the organization–they will provide valuable and insightful advice and information for you as you move forward.