Topic: Customer care and feedback: techniques and tips discussed. Led by Jess Isler.
Who’s Invited: All liaisons and anyone else who is interested
When: Wednesday, April 18, from 10:15-11:15 am Thursday, April 19, from 3-4 pm
Where: LIB 145, Davis Family Library
This will be a short presentation, followed by open discussion. Virtually everyone in LIS works in a service role for some type of customer, be they faculty, staff, students, or our fellow LIS colleagues. It can be helpful to reflect periodically on our approach to a familiar topic and see how we might improve upon it. Jess will share advice and techniques learned during meetings with College employees at the forefront of customer care (employees from within and beyond LIS) and supplemented by research (articles, blog posts, and books). Attendees will be encouraged to share their own tips and techniques for approaching customer care interactions and how to deal effectively with feedback. It will be geared toward all LIS staff whose work includes customer service. Please send Jess any questions in advance (
“Liaison Discussion Section” meetings address research and/or technology topics of interest to liaisons. They can be conversations, or presentations, or both. They take place most often on the 3rd week of the month, but in order to allow people who work different hours to attend, they’re sometimes scheduled for different days/times.
This Liaison Discussion Section will take the place of the optional all-LIS meeting scheduled for May 19.