Today we’re focusing on a few food-related internships that cover areas of food policy, poverty, food production, and farming. Summer internships are an excellent opportunity to pursue a career or academic interest, and these four internship positions are particularly exciting! Take a look at the opportunities below, but be sure to head over to MOJOto learn more and to apply!
- Paid Food Systems Intern at Shelburne Farms in Shelburne, VT
Deadline to Apply: April 9
The Food Systems Internship will provide hands-on opportunities to experience diverse aspects of food production and food system education from farm to table. the Middlebury Food Systems Intern will participate in the breadth of Farm to School education activities taking place in 2012 summer season including the Summer Institute with Vermont FEED (Food Education Every Day), a National Farm to Cafeteria conference in Burlington, Project Seasons for Farmers, the Vermont Fresh Network annual forum at Shelburne Farms, as well as a diversity of summer youth programs.
- Hunger Action Intern at the Presbytery of Philadelphia
Deadline to Apply: April 8
This exciting internship opportunity provides experience in both community organizing, religious outreach, and advocacy against hunger. The hunger action intern will principally be contacting churches in the Philadelphia area and meeting with them about the Presbytery’s “Labor in the Pulpits” program that focus on educating about labor issues within the church. Interns will also shadow the Hunger Action Enabler in visits to food closets and advocacy against hunger in Washington, DC. Housing is provided. *Although this internship is unpaid, you can apply for funding from Middlebury at go/summerfunding.
- Food Activism Internship at Community Servings in Boston, MA
Deadline to Apply: April 13
Reporting directly to the CEO (Midd ’81, ’88), the intern will participate in a variety of activities within the agency–from working in the kitchen and delivering meals to sick clients, to shadowing the CEO in order to gain an understanding of the management of a complex nonprofit food program. Included will be a self-directed research project on high performing food programs throughout the US, with the opportunity to pitch ideas for expansion to the senior management team. *Although this internship is unpaid, you can apply for funding from Middlebury at go/summerfunding.
- Paid Food and Farm Intern at Vermont Youth Conservation Corps in Richmond, VT
Deadline to Apply: April 15
This hands-on experience allows interns to take part in all aspects of food production, from ecological soil management, plant propagation, to disease and pest control and raising pasture poultry. Interns will be responsible for daily chores and upkeep of the farm, and be active participants in CSA pick-ups and farmers market sales. Interns will be encouraged to work on individual projects focused on improving the farm, sustainable agriculture, education, or food justice, and be supported by the Food & Farm Coordinator in this initiative. This opportunity is available for graduating seniors as well as undergraduates.