For the month of April, please visit the following East Asian historical archives databases. The Library is considering them through a collaboration with several Vermont colleges:

India Raj and Empire
Original manuscript material ranging from the foundation of the East India Company in 1615 to records of daily life in Agra, Bombay, Lahore, and Madras. Included are diaries, letters, maps, sketches and official and private papers. The collection is particularly strong for the 18th and 19th centuries.

Foreign Office Files for India, Pakistan and Afghanistan, 1947-1980
Three archival collections drawn from the British Foreign Office files on the countries of South Asia from shortly before Indian partition and independence up to 1980. The archival documents are divided into the following sections: (1) Independence, Partition and the Nehru Era, 1947-1964, (2) South Asian Conflicts and Independence for Bangladesh, 1965-1971 (3) Afghanistan and the Cold War, Emergency Rule in India, and the Resumption of Civilian Rule in Pakistan, 1972-1980.

Empire Online
Empire Online is an interactive digital collection exploring colonial history, politics, culture and society. The archive is designed specifically to encourage the use of primary sources in teaching and includes 1000s of images of unique primary material including maps, manuscripts, pamphlets, paintings, drawings and rare books spanning five centuries from a translation of Columbus’s 1492 voyage to the 21st century.

Although these three collections are available separately, they can be searched as a group using Archive Explorer.

These trials can also be found on the New & Trial Resources page (go/trials).

Please send comments to Rebekah Irwin ( or your library liaison.