Language & Technology: A Linguistics Symposium Friday, March 9, 12:15-4 p.m., Axinn 229 This symposium showcases the ways that scholars in computer science, mathematics, robotics, and other disciplines are using new technologies to understand, analyze, and replicate human language. For … Continue reading →…Continue Reading March 9: Android Participates in Linguistics Symposium
Month: March 2012
Assessing What the Media Says: Looking Back at Michigan and Ahead to SuperTuesday
How should we interpret Tuesday’s primary results in Michigan? It is always useful to compare what the data suggests happened versus what the media reports. The two narratives do not always agree, as I hope to show in this post. … Conti……Continue Reading Assessing What the Media Says: Looking Back at Michigan and Ahead to SuperTuesday
Job Creation, Vermont-Style
A Middlebury sophomore plays a key role in this year’s Town Meeting….Continue Reading Job Creation, Vermont-Style
Deadline: Intern with Department of Homeland Security
APPLICATION DEADLINE: SUNDAY, MARCH 4 This opportunity is provided by the Deputy Director of Homeland Security Investigations, whose wife is a Midd alum! This is definitely not your typical intern in a government agency! Several students had this opportunity last summer, including Andrew Fong ’14. Opportunities are available in Counter Proliferation Investigations, Office of International […]…Continue Reading Deadline: Intern with Department of Homeland Security
Mac KeyBoard Shortcuts
Have you ever noticed some people can open or close a window really quickly or perform quick tasks with a touch of the keyboard? Some quick shortcuts that Mac provides are on the link you can click below. For instance … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Mac KeyBoard Shortcuts
Employee Transition
Now that we have had some time to catch up on new employee introductions, we’re pleased to begin including transition announcements in the Middpoints blog. Transition announcements will recognize College employees who applied for and were hired for posted job … Continue reading →…Continue Reading Employee Transition