Is this a dagger which I see before me? No, it’s online Shakespeare videos

Is this a dagger which I see before me? Macbeth (II, i, 33) You can hear this famous line, among many others, in one of 37 new online Shakespeare plays now available to the Middlebury community. These full-length plays are based … Continue reading Continue Reading Is this a dagger which I see before me? No, it’s online Shakespeare videos

Rick VestWearer Battles Mitt Vader and the Romney Empire: The State of the Race Today

Longtime readers have heard me harp on Mitt Romney’s weaknesses as a candidate for several weeks now, so last night’s results, in which Rick Santorum beat the Mittster in the Colorado and Minnesota caucuses, and in the largely meaningless primary &……Continue Reading Rick VestWearer Battles Mitt Vader and the Romney Empire: The State of the Race Today