Are you interested in learning more about the investment options that are available through TIAA-CREF? In addition to meeting individually with Erik Moreau, our TIAA-CREF consultant (click here to view visit schedule) you can also access a wealth (no pun intended) of information on the Middlebury TIAA-CREF Financial Services web page here.

What can you do here? Just a few of the options include:

Still have questions? To speak with a customer service representative at TIAA-CREF, call 1.800.842.2776, then enter 0 followed by your Social Security number and you will get to talk to a person. If you wish to schedule an appointment to meet with Erik Moreau, please call 1.866.904.7801 x275142.

Watch for more information about an open meeting on March 29th.  Erik will give a live demonstration of the TIAA-CREF website, the Middlebury College micro-site, how to establish your on line access, etc.

This week’s employment snapshot:

There are currently 19 faculty positions, one summer Language School faculty position, 17 external job postings and four internal job postings on the Middlebury College employment opportunities websites.

Employment Quick Links:

Faculty Employment Opportunities: go/faculty-jobs (on campus), (off campus)

Summer Language School Faculty Opportunities: go/ls-faculty-jobs (on campus), (off campus)

Staff Employment Opportunities: go/staff-jobs (on campus), (off campus)