Present: Mike Roy, Terry Simpkins, Mary Backus, Shel Sax, Chris Norris and Doreen Bernier.
Absent but not forgotten: Carol Peddie
We began by setting agendas for the upcoming Managers, All Staff, and SLT meetings in January.
- For the January All-LIS staff meeting, we plan to invite Greg Buckles, Dean of Admissions, to talk with us about the admissions process, and to demonstrate the new imaging program that they began using this December.
- For the manager’s meeting, we’ll talk about the staffing plan, review the updated goals and project directory, answer questions about the performance evaluation process, and preview the upcoming management training.
- We have also begun a series of optional “All-LIS” meetings, to be held twice a month on Friday mornings to discuss and seek input on various topics of current interest in the realms of technology and libraries. The first of these will be held on Jan. 6, when Shel Sax will lead a discussion of our planned Google Apps/MS365 evaluation. Upcoming meetings will cover Service Level Agreements and the future of library collection development.
A brief, general discussion was held on the next phase of the LIS staffing plan, specifically on the topic of how we will proceed with requesting the positions that we did not forward to SRC this time. Mike will post an update the LIS blog about the status of the staffing plan.
We have been preparing Senior Leadership Team goals for the coming year. These goals were reviewed and will be finalized shortly, and posted alongside the rest of the LIS goals.
We reviewed draft policies on incident response, server configuration, and network monitoring. As the next step, Mike will present these documents to the VPs for discussion.
Shel updated the team on the Google Apps/MS365 evaluation plan. More information about this can be found on the LIS blog here.
Upcoming agenda items:
- Diversity at Middlebury
- Reviving the Identity Management Project
- Change Management for Sophos Anti-Virus Roll-out
- Liaison expectations for non-RCS liaisons
- Switching Banner Login from Banner to CAS
Thanks for reading,
Terry & Doreen