Topic: Copyright Questions and Answers, presented by Terry Simpkins and Kellam Ayres
Who’s Invited: All liaisons and anyone else who is interested
When: Wednesday, December 7, from 11 am-12 pm
Where: Davis Family Library 105

The 2010 MISO Survey revealed that some faculty felt relatively uninformed about copyright and fair use.  Liaisons decided we could provide more guidance if we ourselves knew a little more.  Terry Simpkins is our copyright officer, and Kellam Ayres is familiar with copyright practices because of her work in Reserves.  Terry and Kellam will share answers to frequently asked questions about copyright, including print, sound, and visual formats.  (A future discussion might look more deeply into visual formats.)

“Liaison Discussion Section” meetings address research and/or technology topics of interest to liaisons. They can be conversations, or presentations, or both. They take place most often on the 3rd week of the month, but in order to allow people who work different hours to attend, they’re sometimes scheduled for different days/times.