I have received a few e-mails from folks wondering if the monthly go/managers sessions are actually the manager training program that President Liebowitz talked about during the open meetings reviewing the Staff Council survey.

The answer is – no, it is not – the manager training will be happening after the new year and more details will be coming shortly. In the meantime, the go/managers sessions are designed to provide a process for managers to schedule time in advance on a monthly basis to develop tools, skills and knowledge for improved effectiveness. We will take a short break from go/managers while we are conducting the Manager Training sessions between January and March. When we resume go/managers in April the sessions will continue to provide ongoing learning opportunities.

But what about staff who are not managers? As we develop the content and cement the process for go/managers, we plan to launch a similar process for staff in the Spring, called – you guessed it – go/staff.  So please stay tuned.

In the meantime if you are a non manager looking for learning opportunities, now is a great time discuss it  with your supervisor as many are conducting six-month informal reviews. There are also countless free online resources to aid in learning and development such as a couple of my favorites careertools.com and lynda.com.

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me directly: Sheila Andrus, Training and Development, ext. 5190, or sandrus@middlebury.edu.