Present: Mike Roy, Mary Backus, Terry Simpkins, Carol Peddie, Chris Norris, Shel Sax, Doreen Bernier
Guests: Jim Stuart, Joe Antonioli, Joseph Watson, Pij Slater, Peggy Fischel, Joe Durante, Carrie Macfarlane, Petar Mitrevski, David Ludwig, Rachel Manning, Dan Frostman, Amy McGill (MIIS)
We began the meeting by discussing the staffing plan drafted by the LIS Senior Leadership Team (SLT, i.e., the group formerly known as the Area Directors) with members of the LIS Workgroup Leaders’ group. The staffing proposals in this plan were derived from various themes and trends happening within LIS, and include a focus on network services, the liaison program, the growth of social media, desktop support, the use of Google, and other areas. The proposal includes roughly 6 FTE in currently open positions, and 3-4 FTE in new incremental positions. Next, we will need to create job descriptions and position justifications for those positions that don’t have them, and to submit the package to SRC for consideration at their Dec. meeting. The deadline for submission will be November 23rd in iGreentree. Additional considerations include creating search committees as needed and working with Joseph Watson and the SLT to find office space.
Mike announced that Carol Peddie has agreed to act as Interim Director for the Enterprise Applications area until September 2012.
Amy McGill joined the 2nd half of the meeting to discuss the MIIS MISO survey and how we disseminate information out to the community. We explained that the formation of various advisory groups, such as FLAC, SLAC, the Liaison program and division advisory groups helps to involve faculty and students in decisions happening within LIS. Presentations and announcements to Academic Affairs also serve as a good platform for passing information along to faculty.
Amy will also be invited to meet quarterly with the LIS SLT to ensure more direct communications with MIIS.
Thanks for reading,
Terry & Doreen