It’s not a popularity contest, but…  We’re liked! Since we got ourselves on Facebook last spring, nearly 100 students, faculty, staff, organizations and colleagues have ‘liked’ our page. (More are always welcome! Find us at Middlebury College LIS.)

If you’ve ‘liked’ us all along, you’ve noticed that we’ve been posting a little more frequently lately. Our goal is to share pertinent news and tips, and the fall semester always brings lots of change. It’s helpful to hear from our readers, so please ‘like’ or ‘comment’ on posts that strike your fancy.

We’ve been asked by a few LIS staff members how to get info posted to the page. The easiest way is to send an email to our current social media community managers: Steve Bertolino, Jess Isler, and Carrie Macfarlane. They’ll either post the info right away, or decide whether/when to post later. (We have a calendar; as we mentioned last spring, we’re trying not to over-post!) Other liaisons know that they can add their suggestions to our calendar directly.