Topic: Congressional Information Resources
When: Friday, October 28, 2011, 10-11 am
Where: Davis Family Library 105
Who’s Invited: All liaisons and Circulation Desk staff, and anyone who might be interested

Almost every day the federal government is in the news, and quite often the coverage is front page news that can impact our lives in many ways. This session will delve into the full range of Congressional information resources, from the earliest reports of American expeditions around the world to the latest information on Congressional “pork barrel” expenditures and how members of our Vermont Congressional delegation have voted on various issues. A future session will be devoted to information resources from various agencies within the Executive branch of the federal government.

“Liaison Discussion Sections” address topics of interest to liaisons: research and/or technology. They can be conversations, or presentations, or both. They will take place most often on the 3rd week of the month, but in order to allow people who work different hours to attend, they’ll occasionally be scheduled for different days/times.