To give our colleagues a better idea of what’s changed in our web applications each week, we’ll be preparing this quick list for publication each Friday. Not all of the details of each change are included below, but we’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have in the comments.

Web Portal, home to our mobile portal and web portal has recently seen an update to the web portal customization options. This includes the ability to customize portal panels in the left and right columns independently. Panels can now be chosen from the full list of currently available modules. You still have the option to toggle default modules off and rearrange modules. This goes for the modules that appear in the navigation and the ones that appear as panels on the home page.


Working papers published by the Economics department are now automatically added as projects in MiddLab. We’ll be adding other feeds to MiddLab in the near future.


The MiddSTART site got a minor facelift. You can now view the MiddSTART Success Stories and special categories of projects, like Scholarships.