Present:  Mike Roy, Mary Backus, Carol Peddie, Chris Norris, Terry Simpkins, Doreen Bernier
Guests: Ian Burke and Joe Antonioli

Joe demonstrated the new campus portal/mobile presence to the Area Directors.  The AD’s approved a “beta” release of the portal page, including mobile access, to gather feedback with a later completed release.  Joe Antonioli will prepare a draft announcement to the college community.

We continued discussing the Antivirus project from last week’s meeting after receiving a draft of the Change Management Document and additional quotes.  The Change Management Document was discussed in detail.  The Security Team will be put together an implementation team including members of User Services and representatives from faculty and the administration.  The Security Team has also been tasked with the creation of a communications plan.

We briefly talked about the value of the monthly managers meeting.  With no deliberate ironic intent, we agreed to discuss this at the next managers meeting.  Mike will distribute an agenda in advance of the meeting.

Mary provided the ADs with draft documents of the Training and Education Team Charge and Service Level Agreements.  Since we ran out of time at this meeting to finish reviewing the documents, the ADs will look at them outside of this meeting and give comments directly to Mary.  When finalized, the Service Level Agreement will go to President’s Staff for approval.  This document should be considered a broad LIS agreement, not just for Helpdesk use.

Thanks for reading,

Doreen & Terry