Present:  Mike Roy, Chris Norris, Shel Sax, Mary Backus, Carol Peddie, Terry Simpkins, Danna Gianforte and Doreen Bernier

We discussed possible agendas for our July 2010 all-staff meeting, and the idea of a CTLR presentation on the class of 2010 writing study program was enthusiastically received.  Terry or his delegate will contact Kathy to see how much time she would need for her talk.  The Web Team will also be presenting at that meeting.  Update: the CTLR presentation will be at the August meeting, not July’s.

We reviewed in some detail the Curr Tech Team’s recommendations for hosting Moodle before coming to the conclusion that there are still several questions that need to be answered, causing us to defer a decision.  Specifically, vendor support and disaster recovery guidelines need more clarification.  Shel and Danna will meet with the team to go over these questions and provide clear direction.  Mike will prepare a “vendor checklist” to assist us in evaluating future vendors.

Danna presented the ADs with a proposed change management policy.  The short term plan is to identify LIS owned systems currently connected to the network.  These systems, all new systems, and all add-ons will need to follow the new change management policy, and we will need to distinguish between administrative and academic systems.  A management tool will need to be used to track changes and make sure system related announcements are communicated to the campus.  ADs will review and discuss changes as they arise.  Danna will incorporate comments and suggestions made during this meeting into the policy.

Thanks for reading,

Terry & Doreen