Present:  Mike Roy, Carol Peddie, Danna Gianforte, Terry Simpkins, Shel Sax, Mary Backus, and Chris Norris

Chris presented an overview of Roadmap, a new tool designed for “project portfolio management” and which will supersede the Project Directory. Current thinking is that this will be primarily used by ADs and other staff with substantial project management responsibilities.  Roadmap will also likely replace the paid version of Zoho; we need to communicate with other Zoho users before determining a shut-off date.

We discussed some of the implications of providing support for Moodle via the liaisons, including the broader issue of how best to track requests and how disparate groups should all contribute to building a knowledge base.  This will require more discussion, but, for the immediate question of supporting Moodle, Mary, Carrie, Shel, and Terry will develop a short-term communication plan for support. Shel also reported that the Curricular Tech Team has narrowed down the hosting choices for Moodle to 2 vendors.

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