If you’ve been following this blog for the past month, you probably saw a few posts about housing. In case you haven’t and you’re thinking to yourself right now, “holy guacamole I don’t know where I’m living this summer!” don’t worry, we’ve got ya covered!

Call it an East Coast bias, (after all that’s where Midd is) but the top three cities for summer internships are New York, Boston, and Washington D.C. So that’s where we started creating City Guides to help interns find affordable, convenient summer housing. However, there are links to housing resources in other cities as well, including Philly, San Francisco and Chicago.

The Housing Guides are very useful because they help you compare different housing options. Each listing has the name of the university or company, location/neighborhood, weekly price, type of accommodation (double, apartment etc), and any extras like meals.

Click Read More for the 2011 Summer Housing Guides

Boston Housing Guide

University Housing

Lesley University (Cambridge)

$280/wk – air conditioning extra (double)

Suffolk University (Beacon Hill)

$349-$385/wk – incl. breakfast, cable. meal plan is extra(2-6 person apartments)

MIT Fraternities (Cambridge)

$300-$450/wk – some include meals

Northeastern University (Back Bay)


Apartment Listings

Off Campus Cribs

Craigslist Boston

If you’re still looking for more options or you’re not sure which one to pick, try contacting alums on MiddNet.


New York Housing Guide

University Housing

NYU Summer Housing (Greenwich Village)

avg $320/wk +$105 for basic meal plan  (single)

Columbia University Summer Housing (Morningside Heights)

arg $335/wk (single)

New School University’s Summer Intern Housing Program (Greenwich Village/Financial District)


Polytechnic University Summer Housing (Brooklyn)

$315/$455/wk (single)

Student Housing

International House (Morningside Heights)

$200-$330/wk (single)

Educational Housing Services (8 locations in NYC)

Depends on location

NYC Intern (Midtown)

$310/wk (shared apartment)

University Place (Brooklyn)

$290/wk (single)

The 92nd St. Y (Upper East)

$325/wk (double) $400/wk (single)

The Webster (Women Only – Midtown)

$270/wk (single, including 2 meals/day)

Apartment Listings

Naked Apartments



Washington D.C. Housing Guide

University Housing

American University (Spring Valley)

$277/wk – meal plan is optional and extra (double)

Catholic University (University Heights)

$189/wk (double) $210/wk (single) –  meal plan is extra

Georgetown University (Georgetown)

Info available in early April.

The George Washington University (Foggy Bottom)

avg $255/wk (between $207 and $305) (singles-triples)

Howard University (Bloomingdale)

$210/wk (single-double)

George Mason University (Fairfax, Virginia)

$203/wk (quad apartments)

Student Housing

International Student House (Dupont Circle)

$250-$375/wk – includes 13 meals/wk (singles-quads)

Washington Intern Student  Housing (Capitol Hill and Woodley Park)

$265-$390/wk (single-quad)

Thompson-Markwand Hall (Capitol Hill)

$231/wk – includes 14 meals/wk (singles – women only)

Apartment Listings


Appartments.com DC

DC Housing.net


Urban Igloo


Other Cities

  • ApartmentWiz
  • Atlanta CitySearch
  • Baltimore CitySearch

  • SocalTech.com
    A directory of high technology companies in Los Angeles and surrounding areas, plus startup resources for networking, financing, and more.
  • Philadelphia MSN Sidewalk
  • Excite Travel: Philadelphia
  • The Bay Area Career Center (BACC)
    Located in downtown San Francisco, BAAC provide quality career services for professionals who want to find a job, seek greater career satisfaction, map a long-term career strategy or are new to the Bay Area.
  • Craigslist: Bay Area Online Community
    Apartment, job and event search for the San Francisco area.
  • Excite Travel: San Francisco
  • General Relocation Information