The LIS education and training team has arranged for a College-wide trial of web-based instruction offered by  You can learn new software skills to help at work or home by watching 2-3 minute videos or by taking an entire course.  Our Lynda trial is only available through March 30 so don’t miss the chance to try this exciting product, described by some as “addictive.”

Here’s how to get started:

1.     Type go/trylynda in your web browser’s address field from any computer connected to the college’s network.
2.     Create a personal profile as directed in the right-hand panel to set up a username and password to use during our free trial.  (Important note:  You cannot simply log in with your Middlebury credentials.)  On future visits to the site enter the username and password you created in the left-hand panel to log in; your course history and bookmarking will be retained.
3.     Using any of the four drop-down menus, the “search” feature, or the list of course titles, select a tutorial or course of interest.
4.     Click on any video segment and the tutorial should start in a popup window.
5.     Watch, learn and enjoy – and jot down your reactions to share with us.

In return for this learning opportunity we’d love to hear your thoughts.  Did you find it easy to use Lynda’s web site?  Could you find videos and courses of interest easily?  Did you feel the material was useful and presented clearly?  Would you use Lynda if it was available in the future?  Please send your feedback or any questions to LIS Education and Training Team.

Cynthia “Pij” Slater, Education and Training Team Leader
Brenda Ellis
Kim Ehritt
Ben Molberger
Mack Roark
Andy Wentink