Supervising Peer Writing Tutors and First-Year Seminar Mentors

At the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Research, over the course of the semester, we check in with our  PWTs and FYSMs to see how they are doing, to offer advice, to help them with problems that arise. Over the first half of the semester while regular training sessions are scheduled, we see PWTs and […]…Continue Reading Supervising Peer Writing Tutors and First-Year Seminar Mentors

New Breadloaf Weather Station

Thanks to Environmental Council, Facilities Services has installed a second weather station, this one up at Breadloaf campus. It’s hanging on the side of the Laundry shack, next to the really cool old telephone booth. We use weather information from the station on main campus all the time, from worrying about snow removal to tracking […]…Continue Reading New Breadloaf Weather Station