Five Things We Love about MiddLab

1) You can search for discussions by themes, like Food, Mind & Body, Landscape and the Global Market. And themes are cross-referenced, so that a project like “Hidden Cities: Locating Slums on the Globalized Map” appears under Development, Geography, Population, Race Relations and Urban Living.

2) You can search for projects by people, such as College Horticulturist Tim Parsons, who recently completed a project with GIS Specialist Bill Hegman and several students using modeling software called iTree to create an interactive Google Earth map of all the trees around campus.

3) It’s easy to download materials, like complete chapters from books such as MIIS alumna and faculty member Kelley Calvert’s book about her 2009 cross-country road trip exploring the nation for signs of hope and change, called Hope Walks into a Bar Looking for Change.

4) There’s a handy interactive map you can click on to find Research Centers all over the world.

5) You can join in on any discussion, any time. So what are you waiting for?