Google Apps Now Supports User Policy Management

From the official Google Apps blog…

Google Apps administrators can now segment their users into different organizations and control which Google services are enabled/disabled for each of those different sets of users.
– Allows creation of organizations in a tree-like hierarchy
– Manage membership of users into one organization
– Specify policies for which services are on/off by organization
Updates […]…Continue Reading Google Apps Now Supports User Policy Management

No Mow Year Three

Well, we mowed the no-mow again (loving the oxymoron), as it was due for its spring knockdown. Like I’ve seen in quite a few farmers fields this year, it actually wasn’t a great grass year-the clovers, alfalfas, and wildflowers seem to have been able to keep pace with the spring flush of grass growth this […]…Continue Reading No Mow Year Three

Area 51 notes – July 8, 2010

Present: Mike Lynch, Mike Roy, Shel Sax, Terry Simpkins (notes), Mary Backus

CurrTech Team: BCarson SDriscoll AChapin JPile joined us for agenda item #1

The CT team met with us and reviewed their recommendations, along with the results of their focus groups surveys, particularly regarding the online discussion component, the audio/video components, and the potential use of […]…Continue Reading Area 51 notes – July 8, 2010

Area 51 notes – June 24, 2010

Present:  M. Roy, T. Simpkins, J. Rehbach, S. Sax, M. Lynch, M. Backus, D. Bernier

The Education and Training Team submitted a proposal to clarify/modify the teams’ charge.  This proposal was discussed, noting some suggestions which the sponsor will bring back to the team.
The agenda for the next Managers meeting (July 8th) was prepared. Topics will be […]…Continue Reading Area 51 notes – June 24, 2010

Area 51 notes – June 3, 2010

Present: Mike Roy, Jeff Rehbach, Shel Sax, Mike Lynch, Mary Backus , Carol Peddie, Terry Simpkins and Doreen Bernier
The ADs reviewed the weekly updates prior to the meeting. The following was addressed.
· Moodle, Papercut and network upgrade should all go through the change management process
· Phoenix project needs to be updated

Assign […]…Continue Reading Area 51 notes – June 3, 2010

Notes from July Manager’s Meeting

We had a manager’s meeting this month. Here’s what we discussed:
1. Goal Setting Process
Mary Backus led a discussion on the goal setting process for LIS. Her presentation is available at . Milestones for the process are: Area and Team Goals due at end of July. Workgroup goals due at end of August. Individual goals […]…Continue Reading Notes from July Manager’s Meeting