Top 10 Trends Affecting Academic Libraries

The ACRL Research, Planning and Review Committee, has recently released their list of the top 10 trends affecting academic libraries now and in the near future. This list was compiled from a literature review, supplemented by a survey of ACRL members in February 2010.  The complete article can be found here:
“2010 Top Ten Trends In […]…Continue Reading Top 10 Trends Affecting Academic Libraries

Why Obama Should Not Sweat the “Little Spills” (and Politically, They Are All Little Spills)

The relatively disappointing reaction to Obama’s prime time Oval Office address, against the backdrop of BP CEO Tony Hayward’s Sergeant Schulz-like testimony (“I see nothing! I hear nothing!”) before a congressional committee, and the seemingly nonstop coverage of the spill itself, have collectively contributed to the impression that we’ve reached an “inflection point” in the […]…Continue Reading Why Obama Should Not Sweat the “Little Spills” (and Politically, They Are All Little Spills)

Stories from the Pedagogy and Technology Fair

Even if you weren’t able to make it to the 2nd annual Pedagogy and Technology Fair earlier this month, you still can see some of the presenters online.  We’re adding many of their stories to our Teaching with Technology blog.  Learn about clickers, Wikipedia, the campus tree map and more (to come!)….Continue Reading Stories from the Pedagogy and Technology Fair

Welcome, Bread Loaf and Language School Students!

We’re glad to have you here this summer.  Library and Information Services (LIS) offers a variety of research resources and technical support.
You’ll find starting points for our services online:

Find Books, Articles… – Find library resources and start your research
Tech HelpDesk Quick Start – Connect to email, Middfiles, printers and more

Let us know if you have any […]…Continue Reading Welcome, Bread Loaf and Language School Students!