Outline for Privacy Evaluation Presentation

Google Apps Evaluation Outline
Topic – Privacy
Rick James – Exchange Presenter, LeRoy Graham – Google Presenter, Terry Simpkins – Moderator
Sept. 3, 2010 10:00-11:00
1)    What constitutes private data within each environment?
2)    What constitutes “just cause” for access to private data within each environment?
3)    How do we respond to “just cause” requests for private data within each environment?
4)   […]…Continue Reading Outline for Privacy Evaluation Presentation

Outline for “Other” Evaluation Presentation

Google Apps Evaluation Outline
Topic – Other Features/ Applications
Chris Norris – Exchange Presenter, Alex Chapin – Google Presenter, Mary Backus – Moderator
September 3, 2010, 11:00 – 12:00
1. Real time Chat
2. Docs
3. Marketplace
4. Wave
5. Web site creation
6. Video and multimedia…Continue Reading Outline for “Other” Evaluation Presentation

LIS Social Science Advisory Group Meeting Notes

The notes from the LIS Social Science Advisory Group May meeting have been posted:
The agenda included:

Information Literacy Standards and Proposals (Review of the Research Skills document)
Effect of the new printing rules for students on classes…Continue Reading LIS Social Science Advisory Group Meeting Notes

GO is moving to a new server

Over the past few years the GO shortcut and redirection application has become central to the college’s web infrastructure, allowing easy-to-remember permalinks that can be updated as resources are moved.
Tomorrow morning we will be migrating GO from a multi-use Windows server to its own RedHat server. The primary impetus for this move is to resolve […]…Continue Reading GO is moving to a new server

Outline for Support Evaluation Presentation

Google Apps Evaluation – Support
Chris Norris – google presenter, Jim Beauchemin – exchange presenter, Mary Backus – moderator
August 31, 2010, 3:00 – 4:00 PM
1. Live, “high touch” support – What will be different for LIS staff and community members when they ask for help?
2. Documentation – What will be different for community members and LIS staff when producing […]…Continue Reading Outline for Support Evaluation Presentation