Thanks to Rich Church for many years of service and many miles of books shelved.
Tomorrow, Thursday June 24th is Rich’s last day of work in LIS. At his request, we are not organizing an official send-off, but he’ll be around all morning if you want to stop by to wish him well before he hits […]…Continue Reading Farewell Rich
Day: June 23, 2010
Poison Parsnip
The poison parsnip is starting to bloom on roadsides, and, being one of those plants I get asked about (and emailed about), I thought I’d fill you in on the nastiness. Poison parsnip, Pastinaca sativa, is actually Parsnip, the root vegetable. As a vegetable, it was popular in colonial times, as it matures under a […]…Continue Reading Poison Parsnip
Outline for Privacy Evaluation Presentation
Google Apps Evaluation Outline
Topic – Privacy
Rick James – Exchange Presenter, LeRoy Graham – Google Presenter, Terry Simpkins – Moderator
Sept. 3, 2010 10:00-11:00
1) What constitutes private data within each environment?
2) What constitutes “just cause” for access to private data within each environment?
3) How do we respond to “just cause” requests for private data within each environment?
4) […]…Continue Reading Outline for Privacy Evaluation Presentation
Outline for “Other” Evaluation Presentation
Google Apps Evaluation Outline
Topic – Other Features/ Applications
Chris Norris – Exchange Presenter, Alex Chapin – Google Presenter, Mary Backus – Moderator
September 3, 2010, 11:00 – 12:00
1. Real time Chat
2. Docs
3. Marketplace
4. Wave
5. Web site creation
6. Video and multimedia…Continue Reading Outline for “Other” Evaluation Presentation
It’s Now Obama’s War
Obama, for those of you who did not witness his just concluded speech, has fired General McChrystal, and replaced him with Petraeus. At the same time he reaffirmed, with unusually strong language, that McChrystal’s counterinsurgency strategy in……Continue Reading It’s Now Obama’s War
LIS Social Science Advisory Group Meeting Notes
The notes from the LIS Social Science Advisory Group May meeting have been posted:
The agenda included:
Information Literacy Standards and Proposals (Review of the Research Skills document)
Effect of the new printing rules for students on classes…Continue Reading LIS Social Science Advisory Group Meeting Notes
To Fire or Not to Fire McChrystal? That’s NOT the Question!
A week ago, in reaction to General David Petraeus’ testimony before the Senate Armed Services committee (the hearing in which he nearly collapsed), I had begun writing a post arguing that the Gulf Oil spill was obscuring a far more pressing polic……Continue Reading To Fire or Not to Fire McChrystal? That’s NOT the Question!