Did Democrat Turnout “Fall Off the Cliff” In Last Tuesday’s Primaries?

Pundits are busy parsing the results from three recent statewide primaries in Ohio, North Carolina and Indiana held last Tuesday.  Much of the focus has been on how well candidates backed by the Tea Party did. Of more interest to me, however, is the relative turnout among Democrats and Republicans. At first glance, the […]…Continue Reading Did Democrat Turnout “Fall Off the Cliff” In Last Tuesday’s Primaries?

Sites worth seeing

Among the many useful websites from U. S. government agencies there are several that seem particularly relevant to the current economic situation in the United States:
Beige Book
Provides a summary of commentary on current economic conditions by Federal Reserve District. It is published eight times a year.
Dedicated to helping find and report suspected cases of financial […]…Continue Reading Sites worth seeing

Happy Arbor Day!

A final reminder to join us, 3:00, on the McCullough Plaza for a tree walk around campus, followed by a tree planting by Bicentennial Hall. Come learn about the trees around us, and make your mark on Middlebury by planting something you’ll watch grow for the rest of your life.
As part of her class project […]…Continue Reading Happy Arbor Day!