This whole business about housing units in Jerusalem strikes me as more ridiculous than usual, and worse yet is the fallout, which is downright unsettling. The headlines of most important newspapers (like this one)today have included Netanyahu’s stubborn resistance on the subject of housing construction for Jews in East Jerusalem, most importantly, his speech in […]…Continue Reading “I can’t heeeear you…”
Day: March 23, 2010
While some of the work of LIS varies with the semesters and seasons, other work continues quietly at a regular pace and sometimes goes unnoticed. Ginny Faust, Binding and Conservation Technician, works to maintain and improve the condition of both the circulating and special collections of the libraries. Routine preservation activities like binding […]…Continue Reading PRESERVING OUR VALUABLE COLLECTIONS
Bringing the Middle East into the American Racial Landscape
Over at MERIP, an interesting piece by Mustapha Bayoumi just appeared, in which he takes a look at race in a post 9/11, post Obama era America. The piece starts off with an amusing quote from this Dean Obeidallah skit, but then starts to dig deeper into recent pop culture representations of Arabs in American […]…Continue Reading Bringing the Middle East into the American Racial Landscape