“CPI + 1″

It has been a while since I posted, but my silence was not because there was little about which to communicate; just the opposite.  Much has gone on since my last post, including another great Winter Term (highlights to come), the start of the “spring” semester, the trustees’ annual February meeting, Winter Carnival, which coincided […]…Continue Reading “CPI + 1″

“Display Name” Updating Automatically

The “display name” (or alpha name) shown in the web directory, Outlook address book, etc. had in the past been set so that it could only be corrected or changed manually. This process has now been modified so name changes entered into the Banner database are flowing through the Active Directory table and are subsequently […]…Continue Reading “Display Name” Updating Automatically

OVERLAND job opportunity

OVERLAND Spring Job Fling: Overland will have a table from 12:00 – 2:00pm in Adirondack House – Coltrane Lounge. Come by to learn more! Information Meeting: Tuesday, March 2nd at 5:00pm in Bi-Hall. Interviews: Conor and I will be conducting interviews on campus between 2pm and 5pm in Bi-Hall for interested applicants – please contact […]…Continue Reading OVERLAND job opportunity