The Library and Information Services (LIS) Curricular Technology (CT) team will be leading the project to phase out Segue and find one or more replacements for it. The team will definitively use the Middlebury Web Makeover project as a model for how to engage the college community in this critical transition (for more information on […]…Continue Reading Segue from Segue: Strategy and Timeline
Day: February 1, 2010
My Message to the VPR World(s), with apologies to Kermit
In anticipation of the discussion about Obama’s presidency during the VPR gig at noon today, I want to step back from my usual approach of bringing social science theory and data to bear on issues of relevance to the American Presidency, no matter how dull or tedious the analysis. Because the VPR audience extends far […]…Continue Reading My Message to the VPR World(s), with apologies to Kermit
discussion of video and copyright
This is from one of the lists that I am on, and seemed worthy of broader distribution via the LIS Blog.
The Association for Information and Media Equipment has recently challenged one of our institution’s copyright compliance regarding the posting of video on university servers for instruction. As we understand it from the press, this […]…Continue Reading discussion of video and copyright
Photo Op!
Dear LIS staff,
Is your contact information up to date in the College Directory? Need to add a new picture – or update the one you have? If so, stop by Circ – I’d be happy to take your picture and show you how you can upload it to the College Directory. It’s easy and quick! […]…Continue Reading Photo Op!