LSAT Prep During J-Term

Brian Marohnic of High-End Test Prep will be conducting an LSAT prep course on campus during J-term.  The course is scheduled to begin Tuesday, January 4th and is designed to prepare students for the February/June LSAT.
Brian has worked with more than 10,000 students and has run classes everywhere from U.S. boarding schools (Hotchkiss, Kent, St. […]…Continue Reading LSAT Prep During J-Term

Dispelling Yemen’s Myths

With Yemen on everybody’s minds these days, a lot of not so accurate information is being presented in the press.  The statistics about Yemen’s huge number of guns per capita, the extent to which the Saleh government has control over the country, and many other facts and stats have been badly distorted.  To help all […]…Continue Reading Dispelling Yemen’s Myths

Israel and the Brain Drain

David Brooks has written a pretty celebratory op-ed in the New York Times about Israel’s high-tech economy and its ability to weather the global financial crisis.  I have mixed feelings about his pretty unqualified optimism.  Yes, its great that Israel’s economy is growing and increasing overall wealth in the Jewish state.  It is undoubtedly raising […]…Continue Reading Israel and the Brain Drain