With Yemen on everybody’s minds these days, a lot of not so accurate information is being presented in the press.  The statistics about Yemen’s huge number of guns per capita, the extent to which the Saleh government has control over the country, and many other facts and stats have been badly distorted.  To help all of us, I’ve found two great links that address this issue specifically and help to clarify any less than accurate information.

First off, Former US Ambassador Edmund Hull wrote an Op-Ed for the New York Times this week.

And, Gregory Johnsen over at the blog called Waq Al-Waq, a PhD candidate at Princeton, did a bloggingheads video interview with Mark Goldberg, who has a blog at the American Prospect.

Both address similar issues, but Johnsen goes into much greater detail.  If you have the time to watch the whole thing, I found it to be very informative.