Pam Fogg has created a selection of background images to be used on department homepages, these images are available at – \\middfiles\orgs\WebMakeover\EVERYONE\Banner_Images Please make your selection, then contact her with your choice of image via email ( ) so that your banner can be created. There have been some questions around content, Creating Content […]…Continue Reading Banner Images and Content Creation
Month: December 2009
Snow, finally.
The National Weather Service is getting all excited about breaking the record of the latest date of first measurable snowfall (measurable meaning more than .1″). Being that they keep the record in Burlington, which didn’t get snow yesterday, they are poised to break it tomorrow. I never get too excited about records, what the hottest […]…Continue Reading Snow, finally.
Year End Music
We are getting to that time of the year when media outlets start to post “best of” lists—best films of the year, best albums, and so forth. For instance, Metacritic, one of my favorite sites on the web has already posted its list of top-reviewed albums. I read these lists with great interest and a […]…Continue Reading Year End Music
Main Quad Tree Removal
While we dislike removing trees, sometimes we must. The Landscape Department is overseeing the removal of some hazardous trees in the main quad over winter recess. (We like removing trees over recesses–there is no pedestrian traffic and hopefully the ground will be frozen enough so we don’t make much of a mess.) Since the trees […]…Continue Reading Main Quad Tree Removal