Our way of saying “Thanks” for all you do for the CTLR

As a Peer Writing Tutor, you are cordially invited to a reception for CTLR student Workers (PWTs, ACEs, Tutors, Office Staff) on  Friday, Dec. 4 at  4 :15 PM in the Center for Teaching, Learning, & Research ~ Our way of saying “Thanks” for all you do for the CTLR ~ and for saying goodbye […]…Continue Reading Our way of saying “Thanks” for all you do for the CTLR

Workshops and Work Sessions through December 22nd

Below are the workshops and work sessions that have been scheduled between Thanksgiving and Christmas break.  Please email the HelpDesk at HelpDesk@middlebury.edu to sign up for these offerings. November 30th    10:30-noon    WebFroms in Drupal    LIB 105 November 30th    10:30-noon    WorkSession    LIB 220 November 30th    3:30-5pm    Profiles, FAQs, Sidebar and RSS Content    LIB 220 December 1st    […]…Continue Reading Workshops and Work Sessions through December 22nd

Glorious Meadow

Despite the generally nice weather we have had this November, there is no denying the cold hard fact that the trailrunning season is coming to a close.  The days are chillier, and soon, hopefully, the trails will be covered in snow.  For the next few weeks there is one other modest impediment to running in […]…Continue Reading Glorious Meadow

Content Guide, Check-in Reminder, Usability

A PRESENT FROM WHITE WHALE During the WorkSessions, we have heard questions like “What should go in a sidebar?” and “Is this something that should go in the Carousel?” To help us answer these questions, White Whale has provided us with a content guide, and they have turned it into a VISUAL.  Attached is a […]…Continue Reading Content Guide, Check-in Reminder, Usability

Blog on Blogs

As everyone on campus should know, Middlebury will soon launch a new website.  The new site, designed by an outfit called White Whale, will support videos, slide shows, enhanced search features, and other bells and whistles.  I won’t try to explain the significance of these enhancements—why this build out will be better than our current […]…Continue Reading Blog on Blogs

Web Makeover Check-in

Dear Colleague, As the deadline for launching the new website approaches, we are concerned that some offices and departments may be feeling under stress about their ability to complete the conversion of their site to the new platform by December 15th. We’re writing to check in with each department, office, and program to gauge how […]…Continue Reading Web Makeover Check-in