Can We All Just Get on the Same Page?

I am confused by the CAMPUS these days.
Take, for instance, its recent editorial (in the Sept 24 issue) on the CORE survey that the office of Health Education and Wellness administered last year.  After questioning the validity of the survey data—suggesting that Middlebury students drink less than some might imagine—the editors say they are troubled […]…Continue Reading Can We All Just Get on the Same Page?

Belden Dam on the TAM

Another gorgeous September Saturday goaded me into a long leisurely run.  Since Sunday will be the day of the TAM team trek, a fundraiser for the Trail Around Middlebury, and family commitments will keep me away from this event, it seemed like a good day to take on a long stretch of this convenient and pretty trail.  […]…Continue Reading Belden Dam on the TAM

Double Majors and a Liberal Arts Education

I am often sent interesting posts from blogs having to do with higher education.  The following link was sent to me by a parent who heard my commentary on the ever increasing over-specialization in undergraduate education, and in particular, my opposition to students selecting double majors at Middlebury. The post, written by a current Williams […]…Continue Reading Double Majors and a Liberal Arts Education