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Tag Archives: Teams
Agenda for 8/5
Agenda for 8/5 (feel free to edit as needed)
Carrie and Elin will be away the next 4 meetings
Liz – can you set up projector and laptop?
Meeting notes: Ian
Time Keeper?
Moderator: Liz (dangerous to take a vacation, Liz – you never know what you get volunteered for…)
Any announcements, etc? (5 min)
Identify primary contacts for content(45 min)
Wrap-up, agenda for next meeting etc. (10 min)
Ian and Barbara have volunteered to moderate 1 meeting each; Liz – one more?
Upcoming timeline items:
8/3 – Web Makeover Meetings with Primary Contact and Project Manager
8/5 – Complete gathering MOST input (more will trickle in throughout process).
8/10 – Web Makeover Follow-up meetings with Primary Contact and Project Manager – discuss and respond to WW recommendations for IA/Content
Week of 8/17 – Web Makeover – check in – roles and timelines are due
8/17 – Present roles and timelines for LIS at web project managers meeting
8/20 – Proposed recommendations presented to sponsor
Future topics:
Continue brainstorming recommendation
Primary contacts for content
Building coalition
Evaluate information architecture and corresponding list of LIS website contacts for current LIS site
Review permissions list and make recommendations for content providers
Recommendation/proposal for AD’s
Action plan to achieve key deliverables
Analyze survey results and usage data
Finalize measurements/metrics – what does success look like; what metric will define our success?
Survey for LIS student employees
This is a quick and dirty attempt at a survey… Let’s see if we can get feedback from LIS student employees staffing Circulation, Helpdesk, Tech processing, P&P, Stacks, ILL (and at least some representation from branches).
Email intro something like:
Dear student employee,
To go along with the College web makover, we are creating a new LIS website and we would love your feedback on what works, what doesn’t, and what you would like to see on the site.
Please try to answer these questions from your perspective as a student!
- What do you use most often on the LIS website? [we could give options or leave it wide open]
- What features of the LIS website work or could be improved? [same as LIS staff version]
- Is there anything missing from the LIS website?
- Rate your level of comfort with these technologies [same as LIS staff version]
- Is there anything else we should know?
Agenda for 7/30/09
Agenda for 7/30
Lib 221
Liz and Doreen are out
Meeting notes: Carrie
Any announcements, etc? (5 min)
Timeline – other adjustments? (5 min)
Recommendations (40 min)
Wrap-up, agenda for next week etc. (10 min)
Upcoming timeline items:
7/30 – Evaluate information architecture and corresponding list of LIS website contacts for current LIS site
8/1 – Complete gathering MOST input (more will trickle in throughout process).
8/3 – Web Makeover Meetings with Primary Contact and Project Manager
8/5 – Finalize design criteria
8/10 – Web Makeover Follow-up meetings with Primary Contact and Project Manager – discuss and respond to WW recommendations for IA/Content
Week of 8/17 – Web Makeover – check in – roles and timelines are due
8/17 – Present roles and timelines for LIS at web project managers meeting
8/20 – Proposed recommendations presented to sponsor
Future topics:
Primary contacts for content
Building coalition
Evaluate information architecture and corresponding list of LIS website contacts for current LIS site
Review permissions list and make recommendations for content providers
Recommendation/proposal for AD’s
Action plan to achieve key deliverables
Analyze survey results and usage data
Finalize measurements/metrics – what does success look like; what metric will define our success?
Educause Web Seminar on Selecting and Implementing a Course Management System for Your Campus
The Educause Live! series has a web seminar on Selecting and Implementing a Course Management System for Your Campus on August 5th from 1-2 pm.
(Thanks Joy for passing on this link)
Statistics from Media Lab and Reference
- Media Lab: Has no stats that would be of use to us
- Reference: Has no stats that would be of use to us, but when I asked Bryan about ref stats he suggested EZProxy stats, so…
- EZProxy: Has no stats that would be of use to us YET. Later, we should consult these. They can tell us about subscription database use, including what databases are most commonly used and how many of our database users log in from on-campus vs off-campus. They can tell us more than that too, but to get more we might need help from someone like Ian! Barbara can explain better than I can. Mike Lynch will be a good resource too. If you want a look, go to: \orgs\LIS\LISstaff\ILS III Millennium User Materials\EZProxy statistics\+START HERE 2009.html
HEAT – gathering statisitics that can enlighten us
I have begun an attempt to query HEAT for any useful statistics that could aid us in our mission. Since HEAT has a unique way of structuring its data in its semi-relational model it has been challenging to pull helpful information. One primary reason for this is that the important information we would want to know about (e.g. sites, problem/request details, etc…) are in free-text fields which cannot be queried easily. Another obstacle is that there seem to be a variety of methods currently (historically) used to categorize Web Site specific events. I spent a few hours this week getting to know the database structure and I should be able to provide some statistics (qualified) by early next week. If anyone has suggestions on the type of information/stats we could pull please send them my way. For now I will look for the obvious stats and we can drill into HEAT further as we discover more about HEAT’s dB and where the data is stored.
Fall 2009 Course Website Recommendations
The Curricular Technology team is making the following recommendations to LIS on the platforms available for creating course sites. – Alex Chapin
A number of technology tools and services are available to faculty to use in their teaching and for their courses including applications for creating course sites, blogs, collaborative spaces and presentations. What follows are recommendations that focus primarily on platforms for creating course sites over the next academic year. These recommendations take into consideration the recent decision by LIS to decommission Segue and the impact the Web Makeover project will have on available resources and technologies.