KeySurvey, our survey tool, will be moving to a “hosted” environment, beginning in June. The software, surveys, and results will reside on a system outside Middlebury. Data privacy and security is assured as part of the arrangement. An advantage to this move is that software updates will be more frequent, allowing us to take advantage of improvements in the software more readily. Current users will continue to have access to KeySurvey for now using our local system, and for access to past surveys. Starting in June, all new surveys will be hosted remotely. Documentation on how to copy or export your existing surveys to the new environment will be provided later this spring. Many thanks to the 65 KeySurvey users who completed our recent KeySurvey survey about this product; we value the feedback you provided.
Tag Archives: surveys
Comparison between LIS old & new sites
In addition to the summaries provided by Ian, I’d like to add two more graphs. First results from LIS staff:
Now LIS student employees:
LIS Website – Student Survey Results & Recommendations
I’ve compiled the results from the LIS Website Team’s survey of LIS students workers where we asked about familiarity with areas of the LIS website and knowledge of web technologies. This was a shorter survey than the staff version with 20 students responding to the 2009 version and 17 completed 2010 surveys. Before I present the results of the student survey, I want to share my recommendations based on the results of both surveys. These are just my initial thoughts. The LIS Website Team will compile its recommendations based off this data, the comments included with both surveys, and usability testing we’re conducting this month.
[Reminder: If you want to participate in usability testing, reply to the all-campus email that was sent Wednesday, April 7 with the times when you would be available.]
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LIS Website – Staff Survey Results
Thanks to all the LIS staff who responded to the LIS Website Team’s survey! There were 63 responses to our 2009 survey, prior to the redesign of the LIS Website, and 24 responses to our more recent survey, after the launch of the new site. In this post, I will share some of the results of these surveys and compare the feedback between the two surveys. I’ll discuss the student survey in another post.
Usability Study
A usability report – shared by Mike Lynch.
Survey for LIS student employees
This is a quick and dirty attempt at a survey… Let’s see if we can get feedback from LIS student employees staffing Circulation, Helpdesk, Tech processing, P&P, Stacks, ILL (and at least some representation from branches).
Email intro something like:
Dear student employee,
To go along with the College web makover, we are creating a new LIS website and we would love your feedback on what works, what doesn’t, and what you would like to see on the site.
Please try to answer these questions from your perspective as a student!
- What do you use most often on the LIS website? [we could give options or leave it wide open]
- What features of the LIS website work or could be improved? [same as LIS staff version]
- Is there anything missing from the LIS website?
- Rate your level of comfort with these technologies [same as LIS staff version]
- Is there anything else we should know?
Recommendations: Preparing a Document to Share
I started the LIS Website Recommendations document a few weeks ago, based on my personal views of the project and some of the discussions we have had early on during team meetings. I will commit to working later in this week to flesh this document out more with specific references to materials which support the changes it recommends. However, here are some framing questions we can use to think about these recommendations.
What sections of this document conflict with goals of the team?
What goals of the team are missing from this document?
What changes do we need to make to these recommendations based on the survey results?
What changes do we need to make to these recommendations based on other data sources?
What resources should we reference within this document to support the recommendations it proscribes?
MCMS Permissions and Google Analytics
MCMS Permissions
I’ve prepared a spreadsheet of MCMS editing permissions for the LIS website. This also includes the Telephone Services site, which is under /administration, rather than the rest of the LIS site, which is in /academics. The permissions are structured as a hierarchy, so if you are in the “(middcms) www – academics – lis” group, you can edit anywhere within the LIS site.
Here are what the roles means:
- Channel Manager: can edit anywhere, approve all changes, and change the IA.
- Editor: can make changes and publish their changes. Can approve changes by others.
- Author: can make changes, but cannot approve changes for publication.
- Resource Manager: can upload files (images/documents).
- Subscriber: can view content (used for content in restricted channels).
Google Analytics
We only came up with 2.5 questions that we want answered by looking at the analytics. Do you have other suggestions for things we could look at? What are some key resources or pages on the site that we want to look at click paths to? To refresh everyone, here are the questions we came up with:
- What are the top 5 search terms, specific to the LIS site?
- What are the top 5 pages on the LIS site?
- What are the common click paths to [resource] on the LIS site?
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