Tag Archives: crafts

LIS Staff Art Exhibit June 8 – 22

Submitted by Elin Waagen

Calling all LIS staff artists!

The LIS Staff Arts and Crafts exhibit has been scheduled in the Main Library Atrium for June 8 – 22. Submissions are trickling in – please let me know as soon as possible if you would be interested in displaying your work.
Elin – waagen@middlebury.edu X 2393

LIS Arts and Crafts Exhibit

Submitted by Elin Waagen

Are you an artist or crafter?
Do you have any artistic and creative pursuits you would be interested in exhibiting?
So far LIS staff artists and crafters have expressed interest in exhibiting photography, painting, quilting, lacework, knitting, and other fiber arts.
Are you a potter, painter, sculptor, knitter, calligrapher or weaver?
Please consider sharing your work with others in LIS and across campus.
Contact Elin Waagen if you are interested.

LIS Art and Crafts Exhibit

Are you an artist or craftsperson?
Do you have any artistic and creative pursuits you would be interested in exhibiting?
I am trying to gauge interest in an LIS staff arts and crafts exhibit in the main Library at the end of March.
Please consider sharing your work with others in LIS and across campus.
Contact Elin Waagen if you are interested.