Author Archives: Joseph Antonioli

About Joseph Antonioli

Senior Curricular Innovation Specialist

Friday links – Jan. 30, 2015

Lepore, Jill. “The Cobweb: Can The Internet Be Archived?” The New Yorker, January 19, 2015.
Good read about the Internet Archive and Wayback Machine.

Forget Virtual Reality. Are You Ready for Virtual Sushi?

Project Nourished combines brightly colored experimental cuisine, crafted from agar and pectin, with VR simulations intended to make those meager morsels seem tastier than they really are.

Forget Virtual Reality. Are You Ready for Virtual Sushi?– A small Los Angeles-based team of designers, engineers, and chefs have cooked up a “gastronomical virtual reality experience” that use head mounted displays, 3-D printers, and food science to take aim at our tastebuds.


Friday Links – January 23, 2015

NEH & Mellon Announce Pilot Grant Program to Digitize Out of Print Books in Humanities and Make Them Available With CC License  (From infoDOCKET / Library Journal)

Experimental Meadowhawk Module Featured in Mercedes-Benz’s CES Concept Car – Embedded into the console, Leap Motion’s Meadowhawk modules allow drivers to access an experimental natural user interface.

CES 2015: Five big 3D printing trends to shape the year ahead – When it comes to 3D printing, the theme of 2015 is simple: make it useful. The last couple years has been exciting for fans of the technology and people in the industry, as it has developed so rapidly it has been hard to keep up with.

Digital Media Bootcamp Update

Wilson Media Lab

Wilson Media Lab

We have added one more workshop to the Digital Media Bootcamp series in January. Heather Stafford and Cynthia Slater (a.k.a. Pij) will be leading a session on infographics and storytelling with data.

Title Date
Infographics: Storytelling with Data @ 2:45pm January 28, 2015

It’s no secret the using charts and diagrams can make a big impact on your audience by visualizing your data and contextualizing the numbers by making trends more evident. What may be more secretive is how you can find and manipulate data points, and translate that information into a visual. This session will walk you through some of the options that are available to you.

We also have a number of seats still available in the following workshops that cover a range of topics, including browser-based video recording services, how the world perceives us on the internet, and opportunities to use equipment like the Leap Motion and Oculus Rift. Visit the DMBootcamp web site for more information.

Title Date

Safe Computing Practices at Middlebury @ 2:45pm

The ITS-Information Security Roadshow is a conversational opportunity to discuss and learn about techniques and strategies to keep yourself safe while working on the internet. It also discusses both regulatory and personal reasons why information security concerns are important to both you as an individual and a member of the Middlebury community.

January 5, 2015

Adobe Photoshop @ 1pm

You will learn the basic tools, design concepts, and work flow needed to manipulate photos for your personal or project related use. Concepts such as selection, cropping, rotation, repair, scanning photos for use in Photoshop, and others will be covered.

January 5, 2015

Equipment Demo: Scanners, Plotters and more @ 2:45pm

This is an overview and demonstration of the scanners, plotter, and capture station located in the Wilson Multimedia Development Lab. You will learn the basics of how to operate these devices and the software associated with them.

January 6, 2015

Introduction to Information Literacy @ 1pm

What is information literacy, what skills do we want our students to have, and how do you fit in supporting it? What kind of support do librarians provide and how can you get help? Includes tips for searching for images and audio resources with Summon and Google.

January 7, 2015

Wiki software @ 3:30pm

“What is a wiki? Why would I want one? Once I’ve got it, how do I use it?” Learn the answers to these and other questions as we explore the platform that powers the sixth most popular website in the world. There will be a brief intro and Q&A, followed by a hands-on workshop session.

January 7, 2015

Equipment Demo: Cameras @ 1pm

In this training session we will be focusing on the two most popular video cameras available to borrow through the Circulation Desk, the Canon Vixia and Canon XA10. We’ll cover menu options, preferred set up and exporting of files as well as basic trouble shooting.

January 8, 2015

iMovie @ 2:45pm

Attend the iMovie training session to learn how to put together your own video using different components of the iMovie interface. We’ll cover audio, video and text editing as well as how to share your work once it is complete.

January 8, 2015

Quicktime, SnapZ Pro, MPEG Streamclip @ 1pm

This workshop will teach you the basic functionality of Apple’s Quicktime, how to use SnapZ Pro to do a screen capture of video, and how to use features of MPEG StreamClip to view and convert video clips.

January 12, 2015

Adobe InDesign @ 2:45pm

In this workshop, you will learn basic editing tools and design concepts used in desktop publishing. This program is used widely on campus from the layout of Middlebury Magazine to many publications produced by Reprographics.

January 12, 2015

Intro to Visual Literacy and Presentations @ 1pm

We will spend time thinking critically about the images that are presented to us, and use this information to create our own visual media.

January 13, 2015
Copyright, IP and Creative Commons @ 1pm January 14, 2015

Building Digital Exhibits with Omeka @ 2:45pm

Create beautiful online exhibits of your art or archival materials with Omeka, an open-source digital archival platform sometimes referred to as “WordPress for museums.” This workshop may also be of interest to faculty who would like to build digital archives or collections in their classes. (

January 14, 2015

Online Identity: Your Story to the World @ 1pm

With every click, post, tweet, checkout, like, search, digg, friend, tag and other activities we have created a record of our time spent interacting with web sites that are viewable from anywhere in the world. What do our web sites and social media activity say about us? This workshop will explore the meaning that others give to our online identities, and present some strategies for managing our identities in the digital space. NOTE: Attendees must be comfortable with having their name searched for.

January 19, 2015

Portfolios Using WordPress @ 2:45pm

WordPress is best known as a blogging platform, however its flexibility and ease of use also makes it a great option to use to display your digital work. Join us as we explore the best way to configure WordPress as a showcase for your expertise. Participants should come prepared with some ideas and materials that they wish to highlight.

January 19, 2015

Moodle and WordPress @ 2:45pm

Most course sites at Middlebury are built using either Moodle or WordPress, here we will look at the features and benefits of both services.

January 20, 2015

Exploring SecondLife and 3D Virtual Worlds @ 1pm

Yes, Middlebury has an island. This workshop will introduce participants to 3d virtual spaces, and their place in education.

January 21, 2015

Crafting Digital Narratives with Scalar @ 2:45pm

From non-linear storytelling to rich, scholarly annotations, this workshop will encourage new ways of thinking about writing in digital environments. Using a web application called Scalar, you will begin to craft a media-rich digital narrative. Scalar is a free, open source authoring and publishing platform that’s designed to make it easy for authors to assemble media from multiple sources and juxtapose them with their own writing in a variety of ways. (

January 21, 2015

Adobe Illustrator @ 1pm

In this workshop, you will learn to use basic editing tools and some fundamental design concepts. The workshop is taught as though it were a class teaching students to design a poster for a class or seminar. It is the same instruction that participants in the Spring Student Seminar receive.

January 22, 2015

Audio Software @ 2:45pm

Podcasts, interviews, sound tracks, and voice overs are examples of how audio makes an impact in media. We will introduce a few tools to help you sculpt the audible material for your multimedia project.

January 26, 2015

Online Recording Lab: SANSSpace @ 1pm

Last year, Middlebury piloted and launched a new service, SANSSpace, a browser-based recording service that allows faculty to add feedback inline.

January 27, 2015

Equipment Demo: Space and Place @ 1pm

This equipment demo presents the Oculus Rift, Leap Motion, Swivl and portable whiteboards, as devices that help us understand, and break out, of space and place.

January 28, 2015


Digital Media Bootcamp Update

Wilson Media Lab

Wilson Media Lab

Three of the Adobe workshops have filled up, as well as the Omeka workshop. We have added four more workshops to the series to accommodate the demand:

Adobe Photoshop @ 1pm January 5, 2015
Adobe InDesign @ 2:45pm January 12, 2015
Building Digital Exhibits with Omeka @ 2:45pm January 14, 2015
Adobe Illustrator @ 1pm January 22, 2015

Other popular workshops include:

Equipment Demo: Scanners, Plotters and more @ 2:45pm January 6, 2015
Equipment Demo: Cameras @ 1pm January 8, 2015
iMovie @ 2:45pm January 8, 2015
Quicktime, SnapZ Pro, MPEG Streamclip @ 1pm January 12, 2015
Portfolios Using WordPress @ 2:45pm January 19, 2015
Crafting Digital Narratives with Scalar @ 2:45pm January 21, 2015
Audio Software @ 2:45pm January 26, 2015

Please visit the Digital Media Bootcamp site for the complete listing of workshops and the space availability.

Friday Links for November 21, 2014

Historic first landing on a comet! Check out the ESA Rosetta project page or read a summary at NPR

10 bad technology decisions that can come back to haunt you – As organizations build their tech roadmap for the years ahead, the wrong choices and strategies could have unfortunate repercussions. Here are some pitfalls to watch out for.

The art of data visualization – a brief essay and excellent video. “There are enormously beautiful visualizations but it’s as a by-product of the truth and the goodness of the information.” –Edward Tufte at around 0:50 in the video

Friday Links for November 7, 2014

Ten Ideas To Move Classroom Technology Closer To Blended Learning – There has been a lot of discussion as to what blended learning really means. Most of us have come to realize that it probably involves the classroom and technology. In fact, the 1 to 1 programs across the nation emphasize the technology as an important component of classroom instruction. Yet, is emphasizing technology in the classroom really Blended Learning? The answer is… maybe! A closer look needs to be taken in order to see how the technology is being used.

Photos: The life of Alan Turing

Alan Turing statute at Bletchley Park in England

Alan Turing statute at Bletchley Park in England

Google has ‘outgrown’ its 14-year old mission statement, says Larry Page – Google’s chief executive says that the company “probably does need” a new statement about its corporate ambitions, but is in uncharted territory and ‘trying to figure it out’