Author Archives: Barbara Merz

Summon interruption Friday September 16th

From Serials Solutions:

The Client Center will have a downtime from 8 p.m. Friday, Sep. 16, to 5 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 17.  During most of this downtime, your 360 Link service will remain available to your patrons. However, 360 Link (as well as the E-Journal Portal and 360 Search) will be unavailable to your patrons for about 20 minutes some time between 8 p.m.  and 10 p.m. During this downtime, any patrons trying to use 360 Link will see a message advising them of the downtime and inviting them to try again later.

(The “Client Center” is used by staff only. 360 Link service provides linking to full-text from Summon searches. The E-journal portal is our “Journals A to Z” list)

Brief disruption in Summon linking

We’ve been notified by the vendor (Serials Solutions) that on Friday July 15th, for a period of about 20 minutes, some time between 9 and 10pm, direct linking to full-text articles from our Summon tool will be unavailable. The “Get it @ Midd” page will be affected. You’ll still be able to do Summon searches. If you need access during the down period, you can still get to journal articles once you have a citation, by linking from our A-Z -Print & E-journals page directly to the journal and navigating to the article. With luck this will only be a brief interruption to the service.

Summon webinars

There are 3 free Webinars coming up about Summon, our new library discovery tool. The topics are:

Jun 21, 2011 1:00 pm The Impact of Embracing Electronic Collections on Workflow and Staffing

Jun 22, 2011 11:00 am The Summon™ service: A Public Services View

Jul 26, 2011 12:00 pm What’s New and Upcoming with the Summon service

Get more information here.

Innovative Interfaces’ new library system – Sierra

Arabella Holzapfel & I just attended an on-line presentation about III’s new version of their integrated library system (ILS). Sierra will be a replacement for the Millennium ILS used here, although they promise that Millennium will continue to be supported and developed for “the foreseeable future” The beta of Sierra is supposed to be rolled out in November 2011.
To keep abreast of all things Sierra, go to or even Continue reading

Are you reading this post via a feed reader? If so, read on…

On Tuesday May 31st we’re going to change the categories on this blog, so if by any chance you’re using a feed of a specific category, that’s going to break. We suggest subscribing to the whole blog for maximum enjoyment! If you’re not a LIS staff member & would like to filter out the more staff related posts, you can subscribe to the new “Middlebury Community Interest” category after May 31st. The other categories will be “LIS Staff Interest”, and “Post for MiddPoints” which will cause the post to be added to the MiddPoints blog too. All the old categories except “The Essentials” will be converted to tags for easy searching.
The LIS Web team developed this new scheme, following recommendations that came out of the open meeting about the future of the LIS Blog (including a call for simplified categories). The AD Team reviewed and approved these changes. We welcome your comments.