
The Digital Media Tutors, students who support the Wilson Media Lab in the Davis Family Library, have just launched their new web site. On this site, you will find the answers to the most commonly asked questions (FAQs), as well as links to resources and tutorials for the most common activities in the lab. Included is a video on how to connect a Mac to BigCat –

[middmedia A64317F0626BAFF21118E1F866473F6F LIS_Video_Tutorials-MIDD-web_data-middlebury-edu file server using Macintosh computer.mp4 width:400 height:300]

Please visit the site at go/dmt ( http://www.middlebury.edu/offices/technology/web/support/dmt ) and share your thoughts here or via email at DigitalMediaTutors@middlebury.edu

One thought on “go/dmt

  1. Brenda

    thanks for creating this page, its very helpful. It would be great if it were better integrated with the media lab page linked to from the curricular technology page http://www.middlebury.edu/offices/technology/ct. The link for media lab goes to a wiki page with some similar info and from there if you look carefully you’ll see the go/dml link. I think it would look better to integrate the info from the wiki onto the dml drupal page and then link directly to the dml page from the curricular tech page. The webpage looks better than the wiki and it cuts out a whole step.

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