ETI Goal: Infrastructure

Goal Statement

Position LIS proactively to optimize existing infrastructure and new technologies to meet increasing needs and varied demands of our constituents, achieving as well ‘greener’ environment.


Create a comprehensive ETI infrastructure, networking and services 3-year plan.

Inventory of existing infrastructure / servers / services / systems upon which to build – update – replace for future systems.


Improve integration of Midd & MIIS campuses.

Assure continued, reliable & appropriately scaled services.

Articulated path for integrated communications, increased use of mobile devices, large-scale storage & delivery platforms for data, media, voice communications, & utilization of cloud.

Plan encompasses all these areas and includes tentative cost figures & timelines.


Inventory / Plan finished August 2010.

1. set scope of planning

2. research & vendor contacts made

3. inventory existing systems / services

4. identify technologies gather estimate costs

5. describe systems / services to be handled internally and/or externally

6. identify inter-relationships & dependencies

7. plan/report written


ETI & MIIS staff will need time to do research and talk with vendors / consultants. Will involve others across LIS & user community (for needs assessment)

Other campuses, consultants & vendors to be contracted (some expenditures)

Staff time may mean less time on immediate work or team work.

Long term: capital & operational budget balance / allocations


Likely; depending upon staff time; availability / funding of consultants.

Long-term implementation dependent on LIS staffing, resources, priorities, changes in environment (internal & external).  Will need to build in checkpoints.