Our Responses to LIS Suggestions

This semester, we’ve been using the Suggestions Board in the atrium of the Main Library to get feedback on how we might be able to save money.  We’ve asked library users to tell us what’s most important and what they can do without.   The most popular comments so far are, “What’s wrong with the printers?”  and “Why is wireless so slow?” Our responses are now posted to Suggestions Board and the LIS Suggestions blog.

One thought on “Our Responses to LIS Suggestions

  1. Mike

    Hi, LIS:

    There are two things that I’ve noticed that I want to thank you for.

    1. Library computers now ask the user before going into daily shut-down mode. (I’ve lost parts of papers in the past because of this previous problem)

    2. The E-res code is much easier to calculate on the fly this year. Adding **** to any number is pretty easy.

    I hope both of these trends continue in the future.


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