New Reading Area at Armstrong Library

New Armstrong Reading Area

New Armstrong Reading Area
We’ve increased the size of the reading area on the main floor of Armstrong Library. Come to see the changes!

  • We removed over 1,000 volumes of outdated and otherwise unnecessary printed materials, and this allowed us to empty 2 bookcases.
  • The floor space that we gained by removing the bookcases has been filled with a combination of tables and armchairs. We’ll add a few more tables and chairs from staff offices soon, once we acquire replacements from storage. Because of a pre-existing budget request, we’ll be able to add 5 new study carrels downstairs, too.
  • This combination of tables, armchairs and study carrels was requested by students last year on the comments poster we hung at the entrance to the library. (The new video and laptop viewing equipment in the group studies was requested too.)
  • In addition, we eventually hope to add more computers and lamps, but wiring and budgetary limitations might not allow this. We also hope to purchase more dry erase boards, maybe some board games, and who knows what else!

2 thoughts on “New Reading Area at Armstrong Library

  1. Richard

    Carrie, it’s great that you’ve taken into consideration the student suggestions/requests for the new space. Will you have any kind of signage that relays this — i.e., that you took their feedback into account?

  2. Carrie Macfarlane Post author

    Good idea, no, we don’t have any signs about the space–yet! I did mention the feedback in a “Do you know about” posting on the new space. Thanks!

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