“In Their Own Words” is an ongoing series featuring the experiences of Middlebury students at their summer internships. This summer Bianca Giaever ’12.5 interned with Atlantic Public Media in Woods Hole, MA.
I worked on Cape Cod producing radio for NPR producer Jay Allison. I can’t imagine a better internship for someone interested in radio journalism. It was a small company, so I was able to do very important work. I spent the majority of the time in the field interviewing and editing my stories, so I now have built a very strong portfolio of my work.
What did you learn?
While I was there I assisted in producing the NPR show The Moth Radio Hour, made radio stories for the Cape Cod NPR Station WCAI, and also worked on their website Transom.org. Some of my work was featured on Transom, and you can find it at this link: http://transom.org/?p=29835. It’s a good summary of the work I did this summer.
What are your plans for the future?
I’m continuing to work for APM this fall from Middlebury and I’m now being paid to do so. I’m sharing my experience with others through the radio journalism and storytelling work I do on campus, organizing The Moth and teaching radio workshops. This experience has confirmed that I want to work in radio journalism after I graduate. APM has provided me with a number of connections to continue working in radio after I graduate, and I have already been in contact with The Moth and a few NPR stations.
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